Thursday, April 26, 2012

Field Experience Reflection

Field Experience Reflection
1. How many hours did you complete?

I completed the 6 hours that were required for this course.

2. In a short paragraph or bulleted list, how did you spend your time?

     I had the opportunity to observe Mrs. Cary who is a forth grade teacher at Summit View Elementary.  I spent most of the day in Mrs. Cary classroom which was a little over 6 hours. I was very impressed with her organization and positive classroom environment. As soon as the students entered the classroom Mrs. Cary greeted them with a hello and a smile. The morning work assignment was written on the board and students knew exactly what to do. The students who finished early were able to silent read at their desks. Mrs. Cary had a wonderful classroom library stock with a variety of books. Her library also had comic books, brochures from different places, and magazines which many of the students enjoyed. Mrs. Cary had many of the books listed in the textbook for this class in her classroom library. Her library was organized by lexile and the students each had a bookmark with their lexile level on it. Students picked a book from their lexile level and they could pick another book of their choice for their "book bags" which they kept at their desks.

     After they reviewed the morning work they had their numeracy block in which they switch to different classes. There are a total of six fourth grade classrooms at Summit View and they put the students into groupings for math in advanced, on-level, and progressing. After the numeracy block was literacy block. Mrs. Cary divided the students up into 4 groups. In these groups students rotated between four different centers. I was very interested to see the centers in the literacy groups because I use literacy centers in my own classroom and it is always nice to see new center ideas. Mrs. Cary had a fluency center, comprehension center where students completed choice boards, technology center where students completed activities for their learning path on the computer, and a cross-curricular center where students complete different activities for science, math, and social studies (on the day I was observing they worked in groups completing a math activity on the smartboard).

3. How did the experience help you to strengthen at least one Kentucky Teacher Standard?
     Observing  the students in centers helped me to strengthen my knowledge of Kentucky Teaching Standard 2: the teacher designs and plans instruction. What I noticed most about Mrs. Cary's centers is that every student was engaged and seemed to enjoy the activity at the center. The organization of the  centers helped to make the students more self-sufficient and they were able to figure out their problems instead of having to ask the teaher. Mrs. Cary did a wonderful job reaching many of the Kentucky Teaching Standards but the standard I enjoyed seeing the most was Kentucky Teaching Standard 3: the teacher creates and maintains learning climate.
Her classroom environment was very fun to be in. Mrs. Cary and her students have a mutual respect for each other which is so important especially with older students who begin seeing school as something not as fun as it use to be.

4. Talk a little about one thing you learned because of this field experience.

From observing Mrs. Cary's forth grade classroom I learned that it is essential to be organized and to create a warm classroom environment for students. If materials are organized and the students know what is expected of them most students will be engaged and things will go much smoother.
I had a wonderful time observing Mrs. Cary and her forth grade students at Summit View Elementary and I am glad I got the opportunity. It was nice to get out of the classroom and see others doing a job with the same passion I have for my students.

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